

Returns a nice representation of a time value.

seconds: float, int

The number, in seconds, to convert to a string.


String representation of the time.

For example:

>>> pretty_time(36574)
cplcom.utils.pretty_space(space, is_rate=False)

Returns a nice string representation of a number representing either size, e.g. 10 MB, or rate, e.g. 10 MB/s.

space: float, int

The number to convert.

is_rate: bool

Whether the number represents size or rate. Defaults to False.


String representation of the space.

For example:

>>> pretty_space(10003045065)
'9.32 GB'
>>> tools.pretty_space(10003045065, is_rate=True)
'9.32 GB/s'
cplcom.utils.byteify(val, py2_only=True)

Returns a copy of the input with all string in the input converted to bytes.

val: object

The object to convert.

py2_only: bool

If the conversion should happen in Python 2.x only. If False, it’s always converted. If True, the default, it’s only converted to bytes when running in Python 2.

For example in python 2:

>>> obj = {u'cheese': u'crackers', 4: [u'four', u'apple', 5, 'cheeses']}
>>> obj
{u'cheese': u'crackers', 4: [u'four', u'apple', 5, 'cheeses']}
>>> byteify(obj)
{'cheese': 'crackers', 4: ['four', 'apple', 5, 'cheeses']}
class cplcom.utils.ColorTheme

Bases: kivy._event.EventDispatcher

Default values from https://www.materialpalette.com/amber/indigo


This is different.