
A module that provides common tools.

class filers.tools.KivyQueue(notify_func, **kwargs)

Bases: Queue.Queue

A Multithread safe class that calls a callback whenever an item is added to the queue. Instead of having to poll or wait, you could wait to get notified of additions.

>>> def callabck():
...     print('Added')
>>> q = KivyQueue(notify_func=callabck)
>>> q.put('test', 55)
>>> q.get()
('test', 55)
Parameters:notify_func – The function to call when adding to the queue
exception Empty

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception raised by Queue.get(block=0)/get_nowait().


Returns the next items in the queue, if non-empty, otherwise a Queue.Empty exception is raised.

KivyQueue.put(key, val)

Adds a (key, value) tuple to the queue and calls the callback function.

filers.tools.str_to_float(strnum, minval=0, maxval=2147483647L, err_max=True, val_type=<type 'float'>, err_val=None)

Returns a integer or float given a string possibly containing a number.

>>> str_to_float('9.578')
>>> str_to_float('9.a578', err_max=False)
  • strnum – The string containing the number.
  • minval – The minimum value that can be returned. Defaults to 0.
  • maxval – The maximum value that can be returned. Defaults to 2**31-1.
  • err_max – Whether to return the maximum or minimum upon error. If True, the maximum is returned, otherwise the minimum. Defaults to True.
  • val_type – The type to return. Can be float or int. Defaults to float.
  • err_val – The value to return upon error. If None, either the max or min value is used. Otherwise this is used. Defaults to None.
filers.tools.hashfile(filename, hasher, blocksize=65536)

Returns a hash of the file.

>>> from hashlib import sha256
>>> hashfile('filepath', sha256())
  • filename – The filename of the file to hash.
  • hasher – A hasher instance to use for computing the hash.
  • blocksize – Splits the file up into blocksizes and reads them piecemeal. Defaults to 65536.

Takes anything and converts it to a bool type.

filers.tools.ConfigProperty(val, name, val_type, section, config_name)

Returns the correct partialy-initialized ConfigParserProperty class accoridng to the input parameters.

val: anything

The default and error value to use for this property instance.

name: str

The config key to use for this property instance.

val_type: callable

The val_type callable to use for this property instance.

section: str

The config section to use for this property instance.

config_name: str

The config object name to use for this property instance.


A ConfigParserProperty instance.