RTV24 based player

This player can play RTV24 camera feeds using pybarst.

class cpl_media.rtv.RTVPlayer(**kwargs)

Bases: BasePlayer

Wrapper for RTV based player.

_config_props_: Tuple[str] = ('remote_computer_name', 'pipe_name', 'port', 'video_fmt', 'pixel_fmt')

A list of configurable property names of the class that is set/read by the configuration API.

Each sub/super-class can define this and the properties are accumulated across all the sub/super-classes.

barst_server = None

The pybarst.core.server.BarstServer instance.

image_fmts = {'gray': 'gray', 'rgb15': 'rgb555le', 'rgb16': 'rgb565le', 'rgb24': 'rgb24', 'rgb32': 'rgba'}

The pixel formats from RTV -> ffmpeg, supported by the cameras.


Whether pybarst is available to play.


The internal name used to communicate with Barst. When running remotely, or if the server already is open, the name is used to discover Barst.


The pixel format of the images being played.

It can be one of the keys in image_fmts.


The method that runs in the internal play thread.


The RTV port (camera number) on the card to use.


The name of the computer running Barst, if it’s a remote computer. Otherwise it’s the empty string.


Causes all internal threads to stop and exit.


join – Whether to wait and block the calling thread until the internal threads exit.


The video format of the video being played.

It can be one of the keys in video_fmts.

video_fmts = {'CIF_NTSC': (320, 240), 'CIF_PAL': (384, 288), 'QCIF_NTSC': (160, 120), 'QCIF_PAL': (192, 144), 'full_NTSC': (640, 480), 'full_PAL': (768, 576)}

The video size formats supported by the player.

video_fmts_inverse = {(160, 120): 'QCIF_NTSC', (192, 144): 'QCIF_PAL', (320, 240): 'CIF_NTSC', (384, 288): 'CIF_PAL', (640, 480): 'full_NTSC', (768, 576): 'full_PAL'}

Inverse of video_fmts.

class cpl_media.rtv.RTVSettingsWidget(player=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BoxLayout

Settings widget for RTVPlayer.

player: RTVPlayer = None

The player.