
Converting Image formats

from ffpyplayer.pic import Image, SWScale
w, h = 500, 100
size = w * h * 3
buf = bytearray([int(x * 255 / size) for x in range(size)])

img = Image(plane_buffers=[buf], pix_fmt='rgb24', size=(w, h))
sws = SWScale(w, h, img.get_pixel_format(), ofmt='yuv420p')

img2 = sws.scale(img)
planes = img2.to_bytearray()
map(len, planes)
[50000, 12500, 12500, 0]

Playing a webcam with DirectShow on windows

One can use list_dshow_devices() to get a list of the devices and their option for playing. For example:

# see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#Format-Options for rtbufsize
# lets use the yuv420p, 320x240, 30fps
# 27648000 = 320*240*3 at 30fps, for 4 seconds.
# see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-devices.html#dshow for video_size, and framerate
lib_opts = {'framerate':'30', 'video_size':'320x240',
'pixel_format': 'yuv420p', 'rtbufsize':'27648000'}
ff_opts = {'f':'dshow'}
player = MediaPlayer('video=Logitech HD Webcam C525:audio=Microphone (HD Webcam C525)',
                     ff_opts=ff_opts, lib_opts=lib_opts)

while 1:
    frame, val = player.get_frame()
    if val == 'eof':
    elif frame is None:
        img, t = frame
        print val, t, img.get_pixel_format(), img.get_buffer_size()
0.0 264107.429 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)
0.0 264108.364 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)
0.0790016651154 264108.628 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)
0.135997533798 264108.764 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)
0.274529457092 264108.897 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)
0.272421836853 264109.028 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)
0.132406949997 264109.164 rgb24 (230400, 0, 0, 0)

# NOTE, by default the output was rgb24. To keep the output format the
# same as the input, do ff_opts['out_fmt'] = 'yuv420p'

Saving an image to disk

from ffpyplayer.pic import Image, SWScale
from ffpyplayer.tools import get_supported_pixfmts

# create image
w, h = 500, 100
fmt = 'rgb24'
size = w * h * 3
buf = bytearray([int(x * 255 / size) for x in range(size)])
img = Image(plane_buffers=[buf], pix_fmt=fmt, size=(w, h))
codec = 'tiff'  # we'll encode it using the tiff codec

# make sure the output codec supports the input pixel format type
# otherwise, convert it to the best pixel format
ofmt = get_supported_pixfmts(codec, fmt)[0]
if ofmt != fmt:
    sws = SWScale(w, h, fmt, ofmt=ofmt)
    img = sws.scale(img)
    fmt = ofmt

out_opts = {'pix_fmt_in': fmt, 'width_in': w, 'height_in': h,
            'frame_rate': (30, 1), 'codec': codec}
writer = MediaWriter('myfile.tiff', [out_opts])
writer.write_frame(img=img, pts=0, stream=0)

# to save the file as a compressed tiff using lzw
writer = MediaWriter('myfile.tiff', [out_opts], lib_opts={'compression_algo': 'lzw'})
writer.write_frame(img=img, pts=0, stream=0)

Simple transcoding example

from ffpyplayer.player import MediaPlayer
from ffpyplayer.writer import MediaWriter
import time, weakref

# only video
ff_opts={'an':True, 'sync':'video'}
player = MediaPlayer(filename, ff_opts=ff_opts)
# wait for size to be initialized (todo: add timeout and check for quitting)
while player.get_metadata()['src_vid_size'] == (0, 0):

frame_size = player.get_metadata()['src_vid_size']
# use the same size as the inputs
out_opts = {'pix_fmt_in':'rgb24', 'width_in':frame_size[0],
            'height_in':frame_size[1], 'codec':'rawvideo',
            'frame_rate':(30, 1)}

writer = MediaWriter(filename_out, [out_opts])
while 1:
    frame, val = player.get_frame()
    if val == 'eof':
    elif frame is None:
        img, t = frame
        writer.write_frame(img=img, pts=t, stream=0)

More complex transcoding example

from ffpyplayer.player import MediaPlayer
from ffpyplayer.tools import free_frame_ref
from ffpyplayer.writer import MediaWriter
import time, weakref

# only video, output yuv420p frames
ff_opts={'an':True, 'sync':'video', 'out_fmt':'yuv420p'}
player = MediaPlayer(filename, ff_opts=ff_opts)
# wait for size to be initialized
while player.get_metadata()['src_vid_size'] == (0, 0):

frame_size = player.get_metadata()['src_vid_size']
# use the half the size for the output as the input
out_opts = {'pix_fmt_in':'yuv420p', 'width_in':frame_size[0],
            'height_in':frame_size[1], 'codec':'rawvideo',
            'frame_rate':(30, 1), 'width_out':frame_size[0] / 2,
            'height_out':frame_size[1] / 2}

writer = MediaWriter(filename_out, [out_opts])
while 1:
    frame, val = player.get_frame()
    if val == 'eof':
    elif frame is None:
        img, t = frame
        writer.write_frame(img=img, pts=t, stream=0)

Writing video to file

from ffpyplayer.writer import MediaWriter
from ffpyplayer.pic import Image

w, h = 640, 480
# write at 5 fps.
out_opts = {'pix_fmt_in':'rgb24', 'width_in':w, 'height_in':h, 'codec':'rawvideo',
            'frame_rate':(5, 1)}
# write using rgb24 frames into a two stream rawvideo file where the output
# is half the input size for both streams. Avi format will be used.
writer = MediaWriter('output.avi', [out_opts] * 2, width_out=w/2,

# Construct images
size = w * h * 3
buf = bytearray([int(x * 255 / size) for x in range(size)])
img = Image(plane_buffers=[buf], pix_fmt='rgb24', size=(w, h))

buf = bytearray([int((size - x) * 255 / size) for x in range(size)])
img2 = Image(plane_buffers=[buf], pix_fmt='rgb24', size=(w, h))

for i in range(20):
    writer.write_frame(img=img, pts=i / 5., stream=0)  # stream 1
    writer.write_frame(img=img2, pts=i / 5., stream=1)  # stream 2

Or force an output format of avi, even though the filename is .mp4.:

writer = MediaWriter('output.mp4', [out_opts] * 2, fmt='avi',
                      width_out=w/2, height_out=h/2)

Compressing video to h264

Or writing compressed h264 files (notice the file is now only 5KB, while the above results in a 10MB file):

from ffpyplayer.writer import MediaWriter
from ffpyplayer.tools import get_supported_pixfmts, get_supported_framerates
from ffpyplayer.pic import Image

# make sure the pixel format and rate are supported.
print get_supported_pixfmts('libx264', 'rgb24')
#['yuv420p', 'yuvj420p', 'yuv422p', 'yuvj422p', 'yuv444p', 'yuvj444p', 'nv12', 'nv16']
print get_supported_framerates('libx264', (5, 1))
w, h = 640, 480
out_opts = {'pix_fmt_in':'rgb24', 'width_in':w, 'height_in':h, 'codec':'libx264',
            'frame_rate':(5, 1)}

# use the following libx264 compression options
lib_opts = {'preset':'slow', 'crf':'22'}
# set the following metadata (ffmpeg doesn't always support writing metadata)
metadata = {'title':'Singing in the sun', 'author':'Rat', 'genre':'Animal sounds'}

# write using yuv420p frames into a two stream h264 codec, mp4 file where the output
# is half the input size for both streams.
writer = MediaWriter('output.avi', [out_opts] * 2, fmt='mp4',
                     width_out=w/2, height_out=h/2, pix_fmt_out='yuv420p',
                     lib_opts=lib_opts, metadata=metadata)

# Construct images
size = w * h * 3
buf = bytearray([int(x * 255 / size) for x in range(size)])
img = Image(plane_buffers=[buf], pix_fmt='rgb24', size=(w, h))

buf = bytearray([int((size - x) * 255 / size) for x in range(size)])
img2 = Image(plane_buffers=[buf], pix_fmt='rgb24', size=(w, h))

for i in range(20):
    writer.write_frame(img=img, pts=i / 5., stream=0)  # stream 1
    writer.write_frame(img=img2, pts=i / 5., stream=1)  # stream 2