.. _install-filers2: ************* Installation ************* Filers2 can be found at https://github.com/matham/filers2. The following instructions is to install Filers2 from source. You can find a compiled Filers2 executable for Windows on the `release page `_. To find the executable for the latest development version of Filers2, download it from the `last action `_ run. Dependencies installation on Ubuntu ----------------------------------- Following is a step by step example installation of Filers2 dependencies on Ubunutu 18.04. Install the apt dependencies **************************** * ``sudo apt update``. * ``sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-pip``. Make a virtual env for the project ********************************** We'll make the virtual env in home: * Install update pip/virtualenv ``python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user pip virtualenv``. * ``cd ~``. * Make the virtualenv ``python3 -m virtualenv filers2_venv``. * Activate it ``source filers2_venv/bin/activate``. You'll have to do this every time you start a new terminal. Install manual python dependencies ********************************** * If using a **Flir camera**, on linux we must manually install its libraries * Get it from `here `_, extract it and install by running ``install_flycapture.sh``. * Figure out your python version, find the appropriate linux wheel of the last release `here `_ and install e.g. with ``pip install https://github.com/matham/pyflycap2/releases/download/v0.3.0/pyflycap2-0.3.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl``. * If successful, you should be able to run ``python3 -c 'from pyflycap2.interface import CameraContext; cc = CameraContext(); cc.rescan_bus(); print(cc.get_gige_cams())'`` and it'll print a list of the serial numbers of all the connected cameras. Dependencies installation on Windows ------------------------------------ Following is a step by step example installation of Filers2 dependencies on Windows 10. Make a virtual env for the project ********************************** Starting with Python and git available on the terminal, we'll first make the virtual env in the home directory. The terminal should be in the home directory * Install update pip/virtualenv ``python -m pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv``. * Make the virtualenv ``python -m virtualenv filers2_venv``. * Activate it ``filers2_venv\Scripts\activate``. You'll have to do this every time you start a new terminal. Install manual python dependencies ********************************** * If using a **Flir camera** install with ``pip install rotpy``. * If successful, you should be able to run ``python -c "from pyflycap2.interface import CameraContext; cc = CameraContext(); cc.rescan_bus(); print(cc.get_gige_cams())"`` and it'll print a list of the serial numbers of all the connected cameras. * If using a **Thor camera** install with ``pip install thorcam``. Install Filers2 --------------- With the dependencies installed, you can simply install filter2 with:: pip install filers2 Once installed, filers2 can be run either with the ``filers2`` command or by directly running ``python filers2/run_app.py``.