
A stage is fundamental to an experiment. A stage typically describes an epoch during an experiment when something happens or when we wait for something to happen. An experiment is composed of many stages.

A stage can contain other stages.

class pymoa.stage.MoaStage(repeat=1, max_duration=0.0, max_trial_duration=0.0, order='serial', complete_on='all', complete_on_whom=(), disabled=False, **kwargs)

Bases: kivy._event.EventDispatcher, pymoa.base.MoaBase

Base stage for structuring an experiment.

add_stage(stage: pymoa.stage.MoaStage, index: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)

Different than widget because of None.

complete_on: str = 'all'

If parallel, whether it completes when any or all of its sub-stages are done. Can be all, any, or a list-type of child and self.

complete_on_whom: List[pymoa.stage.MoaStage] = []

If parallel, whether it completes when any or all of its sub-stages are done. Can be all, any, or a list-type of child and self.

count: int = -1

Zero is the first etc. updated after the loop jumps back. read only

disabled: bool = False

If this stage is disabled.

await init_stage()

Should take minimal time and must be called with super.

await init_trial(i: int)

Should take minimal time and must be called with super.

max_duration: float = 0

If non zero, the total duration that this stage goes on. Including the loops and stage initialization, excluding stage_done().

max_trial_duration: float = 0

If non zero, the total duration that each trial goes on. Including the trial initialization but excluding trial_done().

order: str = 'serial'

Whether sub-stages are run at same time or one after the other.

parent: pymoa.stage.MoaStage = None

Parent of this widget.

parent is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

The parent of a widget is set when the widget is added to another widget and unset when the widget is removed from its parent.

repeat: int = 1

1 is once, -1 is indefinitely.

await stage_done(exception=False, canceled=False)

Canceled means that cancel was called for this specific stage and it ended early.

Called under a shielded cancel scope.

stages: List[pymoa.stage.MoaStage] = []

A list of children MoaStage instance. When a stage is started, it’s children stages are also started with the exact details depending on the order.

Similarly, a stage is considred finished when its children stages are done and when its loops are done, depending on

It is read only. To modify, call add_stage() or remove_stage().


Continues the next trial.

await trial_done(exception=False, canceled=False)

Canceled means that cancel was called for this specific stage and trial, or it timed out, or the complete_on_whom caused it to exit.

Called under a shielded cancel scope.