Spinnaker enums
Provides access to all the basic Spinnaker enums.
- error_code_names = {'abort': -1012, 'access': -2006, 'access_denied': -1005, 'bad_allocation': -2010, 'buffer_too_small': -1016, 'busy': -1022, 'custom_id': -10000, 'dynamic_cast': -2008, 'error': -1001, 'generic': -2009, 'im_color_conversion': -3008, 'im_convert': -3001, 'im_copy': -3002, 'im_decompression': -3009, 'im_histogram_mean': -3006, 'im_histogram_range': -3005, 'im_malloc': -3003, 'im_min_max': -3007, 'im_not_supported': -3004, 'invalid_address': -1015, 'invalid_argument': -2001, 'invalid_buffer': -1013, 'invalid_handle': -1006, 'invalid_id': -1007, 'invalid_index': -1017, 'invalid_parameter': -1009, 'invalid_value': -1019, 'io': -1010, 'logical': -2005, 'no_data': -1008, 'not_available': -1014, 'not_implemented': -1003, 'not_initialized': -1002, 'out_of_memory': -1021, 'out_of_range': -2002, 'parsing_chunk_data': -1018, 'property': -2003, 'resource_exhausted': -1020, 'resource_in_use': -1004, 'run_time': -2004, 'success': 0, 'timeout': -2007}
- error_code_values = {-10000: 'custom_id', -3009: 'im_decompression', -3008: 'im_color_conversion', -3007: 'im_min_max', -3006: 'im_histogram_mean', -3005: 'im_histogram_range', -3004: 'im_not_supported', -3003: 'im_malloc', -3002: 'im_copy', -3001: 'im_convert', -2010: 'bad_allocation', -2009: 'generic', -2008: 'dynamic_cast', -2007: 'timeout', -2006: 'access', -2005: 'logical', -2004: 'run_time', -2003: 'property', -2002: 'out_of_range', -2001: 'invalid_argument', -1022: 'busy', -1021: 'out_of_memory', -1020: 'resource_exhausted', -1019: 'invalid_value', -1018: 'parsing_chunk_data', -1017: 'invalid_index', -1016: 'buffer_too_small', -1015: 'invalid_address', -1014: 'not_available', -1013: 'invalid_buffer', -1012: 'abort', -1010: 'io', -1009: 'invalid_parameter', -1008: 'no_data', -1007: 'invalid_id', -1006: 'invalid_handle', -1005: 'access_denied', -1004: 'resource_in_use', -1003: 'not_implemented', -1002: 'not_initialized', -1001: 'error', 0: 'success'}
- event_names = {'arrival_removal': 0, 'device': 1, 'device_specific': 2, 'interface_arrival_removal': 6, 'logging_event': 4, 'new_buffer': 3, 'unknown': 5}
- event_values = {0: 'arrival_removal', 1: 'device', 2: 'device_specific', 3: 'new_buffer', 4: 'logging_event', 5: 'unknown', 6: 'interface_arrival_removal'}
- pix_fmt_namespace_names = {'custom_id': 1000, 'gev': 1, 'iidc': 2, 'pfnc_16bit': 3, 'pfnc_32bit': 4, 'unknown': 0}
- pix_fmt_namespace_values = {0: 'unknown', 1: 'gev', 2: 'iidc', 3: 'pfnc_16bit', 4: 'pfnc_32bit', 1000: 'custom_id'}
- color_processing_algo_names = {'bilinear': 4, 'default': 0, 'directional_filter': 8, 'edge_sensing': 5, 'hq_linear': 6, 'ipp': 7, 'nearest_neighbor': 2, 'nearest_neighbor_avg': 3, 'no_color_processing': 1, 'rigorous': 9, 'weighted_directional_filter': 10}
- color_processing_algo_values = {0: 'default', 1: 'no_color_processing', 2: 'nearest_neighbor', 3: 'nearest_neighbor_avg', 4: 'bilinear', 5: 'edge_sensing', 6: 'hq_linear', 7: 'ipp', 8: 'directional_filter', 9: 'rigorous', 10: 'weighted_directional_filter'}
- img_file_fmt_names = {'bmp': 2, 'from_file_ext': -1, 'image_file_format_force_32bits': 2147483647, 'jpeg': 3, 'jpeg12_c': 8, 'jpeg2000': 4, 'pgm': 0, 'png': 6, 'ppm': 1, 'raw': 7, 'tiff': 5}
- img_file_fmt_values = {-1: 'from_file_ext', 0: 'pgm', 1: 'ppm', 2: 'bmp', 3: 'jpeg', 4: 'jpeg2000', 5: 'tiff', 6: 'png', 7: 'raw', 8: 'jpeg12_c', 2147483647: 'image_file_format_force_32bits'}
- img_status_names = {'chunk_data_invalid': 11, 'crc_check_failed': 1, 'data_incomplete': 9, 'data_overflow': 2, 'info_inconsistent': 10, 'leader_buffer_size_inconsistent': 4, 'missing_leader': 7, 'missing_packets': 3, 'missing_trailer': 8, 'no_error': 0, 'no_system_resources': 12, 'packetid_inconsistent': 6, 'trailer_buffer_size_inconsistent': 5, 'unknown_error': -1}
- img_status_values = {-1: 'unknown_error', 0: 'no_error', 1: 'crc_check_failed', 2: 'data_overflow', 3: 'missing_packets', 4: 'leader_buffer_size_inconsistent', 5: 'trailer_buffer_size_inconsistent', 6: 'packetid_inconsistent', 7: 'missing_leader', 8: 'missing_trailer', 9: 'data_incomplete', 10: 'info_inconsistent', 11: 'chunk_data_invalid', 12: 'no_system_resources'}
- compression_names = {'adobe_deflate': 4, 'ccittfax3': 5, 'ccittfax4': 6, 'deflate': 3, 'jpeg_enc': 8, 'lzw': 7, 'none': 1, 'packbits': 2}
- compression_values = {1: 'none', 2: 'packbits', 3: 'deflate', 4: 'adobe_deflate', 5: 'ccittfax3', 6: 'ccittfax4', 7: 'lzw', 8: 'jpeg_enc'}
- stats_channel_names = {'blue': 3, 'green': 2, 'grey': 0, 'hue': 4, 'lightness': 6, 'num_statistics_channels': 7, 'red': 1, 'saturation': 5}
- stats_channel_values = {0: 'grey', 1: 'red', 2: 'green', 3: 'blue', 4: 'hue', 5: 'saturation', 6: 'lightness', 7: 'num_statistics_channels'}
- log_level_names = {'alert': 100, 'crit': 200, 'debug': 700, 'error': 300, 'fatal': 0, 'info': 600, 'notice': 500, 'notset': 800, 'off': -1, 'warn': 400}
- log_level_values = {-1: 'off', 0: 'fatal', 100: 'alert', 200: 'crit', 300: 'error', 400: 'warn', 500: 'notice', 600: 'info', 700: 'debug', 800: 'notset'}
- payload_type_names = {'chunk_data': 4, 'chunk_data_lossless_compressed': 1005, 'chunk_data_lossy_compressed': 1006, 'chunk_only': 8, 'custom_id': 1000, 'device_specific': 9, 'extended_chunk': 1001, 'file': 3, 'h264': 7, 'image': 1, 'jpeg': 5, 'jpeg2000': 6, 'jpeg_lossless_compressed': 1004, 'lossless_compressed': 1002, 'lossy_compressed': 1003, 'multi_part': 10, 'raw_data': 2, 'unknown': 0}
- payload_type_values = {0: 'unknown', 1: 'image', 2: 'raw_data', 3: 'file', 4: 'chunk_data', 5: 'jpeg', 6: 'jpeg2000', 7: 'h264', 8: 'chunk_only', 9: 'device_specific', 10: 'multi_part', 1000: 'custom_id', 1001: 'extended_chunk', 1002: 'lossless_compressed', 1003: 'lossy_compressed', 1004: 'jpeg_lossless_compressed', 1005: 'chunk_data_lossless_compressed', 1006: 'chunk_data_lossy_compressed'}
- cmd_status_names = {'action_late': 32790, 'error': 36863, 'no_ref_time': 32787, 'ok': 0, 'overflow': 32789}
- cmd_status_values = {0: 'ok', 32787: 'no_ref_time', 32789: 'overflow', 32790: 'action_late', 36863: 'error'}
- pix_fmt_int_names = {'float32': 11, 'int16': 10, 'int8': 1, 'uint10': 2, 'uint10p': 4, 'uint12': 5, 'uint12p': 7, 'uint14': 8, 'uint16': 9, 'uint8': 0, 'unknown': 12}
- pix_fmt_int_values = {0: 'uint8', 1: 'int8', 2: 'uint10', 4: 'uint10p', 5: 'uint12', 7: 'uint12p', 8: 'uint14', 9: 'uint16', 10: 'int16', 11: 'float32', 12: 'unknown'}
- buffer_owner_names = {'system': 0, 'user': 1}
- buffer_owner_values = {0: 'system', 1: 'user'}
- img_correction_temp_names = {'cloudy_6500k': 4, 'cool_fluorescent_4000k': 2, 'general': 6, 'shade_8000k': 5, 'sunny_5000k': 3, 'tungsten_2800k': 0, 'warm_fluorescent_3000k': 1}
- img_correction_temp_values = {0: 'tungsten_2800k', 1: 'warm_fluorescent_3000k', 2: 'cool_fluorescent_4000k', 3: 'sunny_5000k', 4: 'cloudy_6500k', 5: 'shade_8000k', 6: 'general'}
- img_correction_type_names = {'advanced': 1, 'linear': 0}
- img_correction_type_values = {0: 'linear', 1: 'advanced'}
- img_correction_sensor_names = {'imx250': 0}
- img_correction_sensor_values = {0: 'imx250'}
- img_correction_space_names = {'off': 0, 'srgb': 1}
- img_correction_space_values = {0: 'off', 1: 'srgb'}
- img_correction_app_names = {'generic': 0, 'microscopy': 1}
- img_correction_app_values = {0: 'generic', 1: 'microscopy'}