
Various tools used in ceed.

ceed.utils.update_key_if_other_key(items, key, value, other_key, key_map)

Given a dict, or list/tuple of dicts (recursively), it goes through all the dicts and updates the keys who match.

Specifically, if a key matches key, its value matches value, there’s another key named other_key in the dict, and the value of other_key is in key_map, then the value of other_key is updated to that value from key_map.

ceed.utils.collapse_list_to_counts(values: list) List[Tuple[Any, int]]

Converts a sequence of items to tuples of the item and count of sequential items.


>>> collapse_list_to_counts([1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3,])
[(1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1)]
ceed.utils.get_plugin_modules(base_package: str, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[Tuple[str], bytes]]]

Takes a package name and it’s corresponding root path and returns a list of the modules recursively within this package, as well as the source files in bytes.

Only *.py files are considered, and although included with the source bytes, the packages list skips any files that start with a underscore (except __init__.py of course).

class ceed.utils.CeedWithID

Bases: object

Adds ceed_id to the class so that any inheriting class instance can be associated with a unique integer ID for logging purposes.

The ID is not automatically set for every object, it is manually set when set_ceed_id() is called. See stage/function for when it’s called.

ceed_id: int = 0

The integer id of the object.

set_ceed_id(min_available: int) int

Sets the ID of this and any sub objects, each to a number equal or greater than min_available and returns the next minimum number available to be used.

See event_data for more details.


min_available – The minimum number available to be used for the ID so it is unique.


The next minimum available number that can be used. Any number larger or equal to it is free to be used.

class ceed.utils.UniqueNames(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: set

A set of names, that helps ensure no names in the set is duplicated.

It provides a fix_name() method that fixes the name, given some input such that the returned name will not be in the set.


>>> names = UniqueNames()
>>> names.fix_name('floor')
>>> names.add('floor')
>>> names.fix_name('floor')
>>> names.add('floor-1')
>>> names.fix_name('floor')
>>> names.fix_name('floor-1')
>>> names.fix_name('floor-0')
>>> names.remove('floor')
>>> names.fix_name('floor')
>>> names.fix_name('floor-1')
>>> names.add('floor-1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-14-b43fff249a6b>", line 1, in <module>
  File "G:\Python\libs\ceed\ceed\utils.py", line 202, in add
    >>> names.add('floor')
ValueError: Tried to add floor-1, but it is already in the set
add(element: str) None

Add an element to a set.

This has no effect if the element is already present.

fix_name(name: str) str

If the name is already in the set, it returns a new name so that is not in the set. Otherwise, it returns the original name.


name – The name to check if it already exists in the set.


The original or fixed name, such that it is not in the set.

remove(element: str) None

Remove an element from a set; it must be a member.

If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError.

clear() None

Remove all elements from this set.