Ceed shapes

A Ceed shape is how a stage sets the color intensity of a region of space. For every frame each stage gets an intensity value from its function and it sets all the shapes and shape groups attached to that stage to that intensity.

The main black area of Ceed is a drawing area the size of the projector, in pixels, upon which shapes are drawn.

Drawing shape

To add a shape, first ensure you’re in draw mode, then ensure that one of the 4 drawing types is selected. You can draw a circle, ellipse, freeform polygon, and a polygon.

Drop one or more points depending on the shape type to create the shape. Once created, a long-press on a point will activate edit mode for that shape and you can interact with any of the points of that shape. Clicking on black-space will exit editing that shape.

If no shape is being edited, dragging the orange point will drag the shape. If none of the 4 shape drawing types is selected, you can only edit the shapes, but not create new ones.

Displaying shapes

Once created, shapes can be controlled in the shapes pane. Using the buttons a shape can be locked from interaction, or it can be hidden altogether. It can also be deleted.

There’s an implicit shape depth order. Shapes further down in the list are above shapes earlier in the list. If two shapes occupy the same space or overlap, the shape on top is used for the region where they overlap. The arrows allow moving a shape up or down. See donut stage how to use depth to create a donut shaped stage.

Selecting a shape in the pane will also highlight it in the drawing area. There, you can change its name to something unique. You can change the x, y position of its centroid. And you can set its approximate area and it’ll be automatically scaled to the closest feasible area.

Controlling shapes

By default, you can only select one shape at a time. Enabling multiselect in the controls, or holding down the ctrl key enabled selecting multiples shape, either in the pane or by touching their orange point.

Dragging on the orange point of one will drag all the selected shapes. From the controls you can also duplicate the selected shapes, or delete them.

There’s a special button that adds a polygon shape named “enclosed” that encloses the whole projector area. It is typically used to stimulate the entire slice.

From the controls you can also enable a mode to see the name of each shape and the x, y pixel position of the mouse as it transverses the drawing area.

Shape groups

Rather than dragging individual shapes into stages, you can group shapes into shape groups. Then, these groups can be added to stages and it’s as if all it shapes are added to the stage. A single shape may be in multiple groups and all these groups may be added to a stage simultaneously, as well as the individual shape itself, without problems.

Shape plugin

Although Ceed does not offer a plugin for shapes, it’s simple to create shapes and shape groups with a script, dump it to disk as a yaml file, and import it into Ceed from the GUI. See shape for more details.

Following is an example using CeedPaintCanvasBehavior with the specific shape classes and their corresponding create_shape methods; CeedPaintCircle (create_shape()), CeedPaintEllipse (create_shape()), CeedPaintPolygon (create_shape()).

After running the script it will generate a yml file that can be imported into Ceed from the GUI and it’ll contain these shapes.

from ceed.shape import CeedPaintCanvasBehavior, CeedPaintCircle, \
    CeedPaintEllipse, CeedPaintPolygon
from ceed.storage.controller import CeedDataWriterBase

# create shape factory to which we'll add shapes
shape_factory = CeedPaintCanvasBehavior()
# create the shapes and name them. We use the Shape classes imported from Ceed
ellipse = CeedPaintEllipse.create_shape(
    center=(250, 450), radius_x=200, radius_y=400, name='ellipse')
circle = CeedPaintCircle.create_shape(
    center=(700, 300), radius=200, name='circle')
polygon = CeedPaintPolygon.create_shape(
    points=[275, 300, 700, 300, 500, 800], name='polygon')

# add the shapes to factory

# create group, name it, and add shapes to it
group = shape_factory.add_group()
group.name = 'shapes'

# save it to disk for import later
    filename, shape_factory=shape_factory)

Generated Ceed config

See CeedDataWriterBase.save_config_to_yaml for a full example.

If you need to create many shapes or shape groups and importing them in the Ceed GUI is slow, consider setting its no_display to True. E.g. CeedPaintEllipse.create_shape(..., no_display=True).

The ProPixx projector used by Ceed has a resolution of 1920x108, so that should be the maximum extent of the shapes. The exact available drawing area can be read/set in Ceed’s config.