Executor API

Executor Interface

class pymoa_remote.executor.ExecutorBase

Bases: object

Executor that can be used to execute a method in a different context, e.g. in a different thread or across the network in a server.

It is not safe to be called concurrently, except execute/execute_generator.

TODO: test that all obj methods raise exception if called before ensure TODO: an error should be raised if using executor outside with block

await apply_config_from_remote(obj)
await apply_data_from_remote(obj, trigger_names: Iterable[str] = (), triggered_logged_names: Iterable[str] = (), logged_names: Iterable[str] = (), initial_properties: Iterable[str] = (), task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED)
await apply_execute_from_remote(obj, exclude_self=True, task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED)
await apply_property_data_from_remote(obj: Any, properties: List[str])
classmethod call_execute_callback(obj, return_value, callback)
classmethod call_execute_callback_func(return_value, callback)
await delete_remote_instance(obj)
await ensure_remote_instance(obj, hash_name, *args, auto_register_class=True, **kwargs) bool
await execute(obj, fn: Union[Callable, str], args=(), kwargs=None, callback: Optional[Union[Callable, str]] = None)
await execute_generator(obj, gen: Union[Callable, str], args=(), kwargs=None, callback: Optional[Union[Callable, str]] = None, task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) AsyncGenerator
await get_channel_from_remote(hash_name: str, channel: str, task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) AsyncContextManager[AsyncGenerator]
await get_data_from_remote(obj, trigger_names: Iterable[str] = (), triggered_logged_names: Iterable[str] = (), logged_names: Iterable[str] = (), initial_properties: Iterable[str] = (), task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) AsyncContextManager[AsyncGenerator]
await get_echo_clock() Tuple[int, int, int]
classmethod get_execute_callback_func(obj, callback)
await get_remote_object_config(obj: Optional[Any])
await get_remote_object_property_data(obj: Any, properties: List[str]) dict
await get_remote_objects()
is_remote = True
name = 'Executor'
await register_remote_class(cls)
await remote_import(module)
async with remote_instance(obj, hash_name, *args, auto_register_class=True, **kwargs) AsyncContextManager[Any]
await sleep(duration=None, deadline=None) int
await start_executor()
await stop_executor()
supports_coroutine = False
supports_non_coroutine = True
class pymoa_remote.executor.InstanceRegistry(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Registry that contains objects know by the register that can be referenced.

It registers classes for instantiation and uses a base64 name hash for identifying them. It registers coders for serializing them.

convert_base64_to_hash(encoded_hash: Union[bytes, str]) str
convert_hash_to_base64(hash_val: str) str
decode_json(data: str)
decode_json_buffers(data: bytes, json_bytes: int, num_buffers: int)
decode_json_buffers_header(header: bytes)
decode_json_buffers_raw(data: bytes)
encode_json(obj) str
encode_json_buffers(obj) bytes

Message is: magic number, size of dynamic message, size of json, number of buffers, json, list of size for each buffer, buffers.

encode_json_func(obj, buffers: Optional[list] = None)
hashed_instances: Dict[str, Any] = {}
hashed_instances_ids: Dict[int, str] = {}
is_class_registered(class_to_register: Optional[type] = None, class_triple=None)
json_coders: Dict[str, Tuple[type, Callable, Callable]] = {}
prepare_json_buffers(obj) Tuple[bytes, List[bytes]]
referenceable_classes: Dict[Tuple[str, str, str], Callable] = {}
referenceable_json_decoder(dct: dict, buffers: Optional[list] = None)
register_class(class_to_register: type, triple=None)

Duplicated register raises error.

register_json_coder(name: str, class_to_register: type, encoder: Callable, decoder: Callable)
pymoa_remote.executor.NO_CALLBACK = '#@none'

Can be used with apply_executor() to indicate that no callback should be used.

Executor Client API

class pymoa_remote.client.Executor(registry: Optional[pymoa_remote.client.LocalRegistry] = None, init_context=True, **kwargs)

Bases: pymoa_remote.executor.ExecutorBase

Executor base class used by all the clients.

Adds internal API used by the clients to help it have a uniform public API.

decode(data: str) Any

Decodes the data encoded with encode().

encode(data: Any) str

Encodes the data as required by the specific executor.

registry: pymoa_remote.client.LocalRegistry = None

The registry that tracks registered objects and classes.

class pymoa_remote.client.ExecutorContext(executor: pymoa_remote.client.Executor, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Context manager that sets the executor to be used when a executor decorated method is called. E.g. given:

class Demo:

    def sum(self, a, b):
        return a + b

When calling result = await demo.sum(1, 2), since no executor is set, the method will be executed locally. ExecutorContext sets the current executor e.g.:

with ExecutorContext(executor):
    result = await demo.sum(1, 2)

will use the executor to execute sum remotely with that executor. Multiple executors can be used as needed e.g.:

with ExecutorContext(executor_1):
    result1 = await demo.sum(1, 2)

    with ExecutorContext(executor_2):
        result2 = await demo.sum(1, 2)

    result3 = await demo.sum(1, 2)

will use executor_1 to compute result1 and result3 and executor_2 for result2.

executor: pymoa_remote.client.Executor

The context’s executor.

token = None
class pymoa_remote.client.LocalRegistry(**kwargs)

Bases: pymoa_remote.executor.InstanceRegistry

Client side object registry.

add_instance(obj, hash_name)

Registers the object using the given name.

  • obj – The object to register

  • hash_name – The name to use to identify this object by the executor and its remote server (if applicable).


The object.


ValueError if the name is already registered.


Removes the previously registered object.


obj – The object previously registered with add_instance().


The object.

pymoa_remote.client.apply_executor(func=None, callback=None)

Decorator that will cause the method to be executed remotely using the currently active executor and return its value.

  • func – The method to be decorated.

  • callback – The optional callback that will be executed with the method result. This can be specified as a string or method, but it must be a method of the same class.


The decorated method.

pymoa_remote.client.apply_generator_executor(func=None, callback=None)

Decorator that calls the generator method using the executor.