PyMoa-Remote Package


PyMoa-Remote is a library to remotely execute methods e.g. on a remote Raspberry Pi, in another process, or another local thread.


exception pymoa_remote.exception.RemoteException

Bases: Exception

pymoa_remote.exception.extract_frames(exception: BaseException) list
pymoa_remote.exception.get_fake_traceback_obj(filename, lineno, name, line)
pymoa_remote.exception.raise_remote_exception_from_frames(frames=(), err_type=None, value='')


Module that provides helpful classes and functions.

class pymoa_remote.utils.MaxSizeErrorDeque(max_size=0, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Async queue that raises an error on the read side as soon as the queue is full and the queue will silently stop taking items.

It is thread safe.

add_item(item, size=1)
max_size: int = 0

Approximate maximum size (maybe over with multiple threads).

queue: collections.deque = None
receive_channel: trio.MemoryReceiveChannel = None
send_channel: trio.MemorySendChannel = None
size: int = 0
size_lock: _thread.allocate_lock = None
stopped: bool = False
thread_id = None
token: trio.lowlevel.TrioToken = None
class pymoa_remote.utils.MaxSizeSkipDeque(max_size=0, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Async queue that skips appends when full, but indicates to consumer that packets were skipped.

add_item(item, size=1, force=False)
max_size = 0
packet: int = 0
receive_channel: trio.MemoryReceiveChannel = None
send_channel: trio.MemorySendChannel = None
size: int = 0
exception pymoa_remote.utils.QueueFull

Bases: Exception


@asynccontextmanager decorator.

Typical usage:

@asynccontextmanager async def some_async_generator(<arguments>):

<setup> try:

yield <value>



This makes this:

async with some_async_generator(<arguments>) as <variable>:


equivalent to this:

<setup> try:

<variable> = <value> <body>



for ... in pymoa_remote.utils.get_class_bases(cls)

Gets all the base-classes of the class.




Server Side Executor

class pymoa_remote.server.DataLogger

Bases: object

Data logger used to log all data updates and stream it to clients.

log_event_callback(name, hash_name, callback, obj, *args)
log_item(hash_name, props=None, trigger_name=None, trigger_value=None)
log_property_callback(name, hash_name, callback, obj, value)
log_trigger_event_callback(name, tracked_props, hash_name, callback, obj, *args)
log_trigger_property_callback(name, tracked_props, hash_name, callback, obj, value)
start_logging(callback: Callable, obj: Any, hash_name: str, trigger_names: Iterable[str] = (), triggered_logged_names: Iterable[str] = (), logged_names: Iterable[str] = (), initial_properties: Iterable[str] = ())

logged_names cannot have events if trigger is not empty.

Can’t have prop bound as trigger and as name without trigger (causes dups in SSELogger).

stop_logging(obj, binding)
class pymoa_remote.server.ExecutorServer(registry: Optional[pymoa_remote.server.RemoteRegistry] = None, executor: Optional[pymoa_remote.executor.ExecutorBase] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: pymoa_remote.server.ExecutorServerBase

Concrete server side handler of remote object method execution.

await call_instance_method(obj: Any, method_name: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict) Any
call_instance_method_gen(obj: Any, method_name: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict) Any
executor: Optional[pymoa_remote.executor.ExecutorBase] = None
registry: pymoa_remote.server.RemoteRegistry = None
stream_data_logger: pymoa_remote.server.DataLogger = None
class pymoa_remote.server.ExecutorServerBase

Bases: object

Base class for the server side handling of remote object method execution.

allow_import_from_main = False
allow_remote_class_registration = False
await delete_instance(*args, **kwargs)
await ensure_instance(*args, **kwargs) bool
await execute(*args, **kwargs)
await execute_generator(*args, **kwargs)
await get_echo_clock(*args, **kwargs)
await get_object_config(*args, **kwargs)
await get_object_data(*args, **kwargs)
await get_objects(*args, **kwargs)
post_stream_channel(data, channel, hash_name)
await register_remote_class(*args, **kwargs)
await remote_import(*args, **kwargs)
await sleep(*args, **kwargs) int
await start_logging_object_data(*args, **kwargs)
await stop_logging_object_data(*args, **kwargs)
stream_changes = False
class pymoa_remote.server.RemoteRegistry(**kwargs)

Bases: pymoa_remote.executor.InstanceRegistry

Server side object registry.

create_instance(cls_triple: Tuple[str, str, str], hash_name: str, args: tuple, kwargs: dict, config: dict) Any
delete_instance(hash_name: str)
get_instance(hash_name: str)
class pymoa_remote.server.SimpleExecutorServer(registry: Optional[pymoa_remote.server.RemoteRegistry] = None, executor: Optional[pymoa_remote.executor.ExecutorBase] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: pymoa_remote.server.ExecutorServer

await delete_instance(data: dict) None
await ensure_instance(data: dict) bool
await execute(data: dict)
async for ... in execute_generator(data: dict)
await get_echo_clock(data: dict)
await get_object_config(data: dict)
await get_object_data(data: dict)
await get_objects(data: dict)
await register_remote_class(data: dict)
await remote_import(data: dict)
await sleep(data: dict)
await start_logging_object_data(data: dict, log_callback)
await stop_logging_object_data(binding)
pymoa_remote.server.dispatch_stream_channel_to_queues(data: dict, channel: str, hash_name: str, stream_clients: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[Any, pymoa_remote.utils.MaxSizeErrorDeque]], encode: Callable)



Bases: object

Generator that takes a asks streaming response object and decodes and yields individual sse events.

classmethod finish_sse_event(event: dict) -> (<class 'dict'>, <class 'tuple'>)
classmethod set_sse_field(event: dict, buffer: list) list
classmethod async for ... in stream(response_body) AsyncGenerator[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[int]], None]