Parameter randomization

Provides the optional randomization for the parameters of a FuncBase. Each parameter of the function may be randomized according to noisy_parameters, that attaches a distribution to the parameter.

This module provides a ParameterNoiseFactory used to register random distribution classes and it provides some built in distributions.

Distributions can also be extended using the plugin interface.

class ceed.function.param_noise.ParameterNoiseFactory(**kwargs)

Bases: kivy._event.EventDispatcher

Factory where distributions are registered and accessed by name.

noise_classes: Dict[str, Type[ceed.function.param_noise.NoiseType]] = {}

Keeps all classes registered with register_class().

register_class(cls: Type[ceed.function.param_noise.NoiseType])

Registers a NoiseBase subclass, with the name of the class in noise_classes.

get_cls(name: str) Type[ceed.function.param_noise.NoiseType]

Looks up a noise class by name and returns it.

make_instance(config: dict) ceed.function.param_noise.NoiseBase

Takes a noise distribution instance’s config, as returned by NoiseBase.get_config(), and creates a noise distribution instance of that class and config, and returns it.

class ceed.function.param_noise.NoiseBase(**kwargs)

Bases: kivy._event.EventDispatcher

Base class that can be used to randomize a function parameter with noisy_parameters.

Instances have a sample() method that returns a random value when called. This is used to sample a new value for function parameters.

lock_after_forked: bool

Functions can reference other function. After the reference functions are expanded and copied before running the stage as an experiment, all randomized parameters whose lock_after_forked is False are resampled.

This allows the parameters with lock_after_forked set to True to share the same random value as the original referenced function’s randomized value.

See ceed.stage.CeedStage.copy_and_resample() for details.


Whether the parameter should be resampled for each loop iteration (True) or whether we sample once and use that sample for all loop iterations.

The values are pre-sampled before the function is executed. If True, using sample_seq(), otherwise, it’s sampled once with sample().

For example, for the following function structure contained in a Stage:

    name: 'stage'
    loop: 2
        name: 'root'
        loop: 5
            name: 'child_a'
            loop: 2
                name: 'child'
                loop: 3

where the child function’s a parameter is randomized and the child function is looped 2 * 5 * 2 * 3 = 60 times total across the whole experiment.

Then, if sample_each_loop is False, we sample() the parameter once and the same value is used for all 60 loop iterations. Otherwise, we pre-compute 60 samples using sample_seq() from resample_parameters() and then update the parameter with each corresponding sample when the function or loop iteration is initialized (init_func() and init_loop_iteration()).

sample() float

Samples the distribution and returns a new value.

sample_seq(n) List[float]

Samples the distribution n times and returns a list of values.

By default it just calls sample() n times to get the samples.

property name: str

The name of the class.

This is the name used with ParameterNoiseFactory.get_cls.

get_config() dict

Returns a dict representation of the instance that can be then be used to reconstruct it with ParameterNoiseFactory.make_instance().

This is also used to display the instance parameters to the user. We infer the type of each parameter from the property value.

get_prop_pretty_name() Dict[str, str]

Returns a dict mapping names of the parameters used by the class to a nicer representation shown to the user.


The type-hint type for NoiseBase.

alias of TypeVar(‘NoiseType’, bound=NoiseBase)